negative space
December 2023
architecture conceptual design
ink on vellum drawings
laser-cut chipboard, wood, and corrugated cardboard models
For my final project for Architectural Design I, I was tasked with the design and articulation of a museum space sited on the Vassar College Campus. Within the design, I was instructed to 1) consider the existing topography and 2) incorporate two pieces from Dia: Beacon’s permanent collection within the final design.
The site assigned to me was a steeply- sloping, grass hill looking over Sunset Lake, which is a picturesque lake centrally located on Vassar’s campus, and after visiting Dia: Beacon and observing the pieces in their permanent collection, I decided to incorporate monumental works by Richard Serra and Michael Heizer into my museum design.
Both the site and the works by Serra and Heizer dictating the program of this building are marked by steep volumes and vastness, which contribute to a looming sense of monumentality. I wanted the design to play into this monumentality, thus as seen in the floor plans, there are clear-cut circulation paths for visitors to take. These are outlined by the spatial relations between the works of art and the architecture.
Furthermore, as seen in the section drawing, the building’s distinct block-like forms and gravity-defying cantilevered upper level disrupt the existing site. “Negative Space” demands attention from both inside and outside, and from both viewers and users of the space.